The input voltage V, 220 V. Figure 4 shows the turn-off behavior of a Z0103 standard TRIAC which controls a 26 W17.8 An RC snubber circuit, as shown in Figure 17.16, has circuit inductance of L 60. When the dI/dtOFF-dV/dtOFF couple, measured in the application, is higher than the TRIAC datasheet values, (dI/dt)c at a given (dV/dt)c. An RC snubber circuit must be used when there is a risk of TRIAC spurious triggering, i.e.

Buy Kritne RC Snubber Circuit Module,RC Absorption Circuit Module,RC Absorption Circuit Module Contact Protection.Product Name: Kritne RC Snubber Circuit Mod.Snubbed Switches on a non-Synchronous Boost ConverterThe other side of using the snubber is that it dissipates power. Now, the voltage across the inductor is given by (1) Where, In actual practice and the load circuit parameters should be such that across during its charging is less than the specified rating of the thyristor and discharge current at the turn on of thyristor is within reasonable. This lowers the Q of the circuit and damps the ringing.Figure 1: Simple equivalent RC Snubber circuit across thyristor. The snubber works by conducting the high di/dt transient created by the switching event through the damping resistor.
For most well designed surface mount circuits, the snubber caps are usually under 2.2nF and damping resistors in the single digit ohms. In practice, you first decide how much power you afford to dissipate to set the cap size and then tune damping resistor to get the best damping.